Novi-Pluim is a Dutch association of broiler breeder farmers. The association’s goal is to optimise the value of the broiler breeders by means of intensive cooperation with the poultry slaughterhouse G.P. Remkes in Epe. This cooperation has led to an own sustainability label NoviPlus. With this, Novi-Pluim is able to create added value for the certified propagators.

Besides the economic development which the Novi-Pluim members create, mutual knowledge transfer is becoming more and more important within the association whereby many members manage to optimise their operations.


The Novi-Pluim members are active entrepreneurs who seek continuity and improvement of their operations. Novi-Pluim provides them with:

  • guaranteed sales of their broiler breeders with short transport times.
  • a guaranteed lower price limit if the market price free-falls.
  • a fixed price per kg for the delivered males.
  • feedback of slaughtering data.
  • the opportunity to create added value by participating in the NoviPlus concept.
  • an extra bonus can be earned by participating in QS in combination with NoviPlus.
  • the right to participate with an annual post-payment for the delivered kilograms.




Together with poultry slaughterhouse G.P. Remkes in Epe, the NoviPlus sustainability programme has been developed with contributions from the Animal Sciences Group of Wageningen University and Research and social organisations such as Solidaridad and Natuur & Milieu.


NoviPlus poses demands on the propagation company and the slaughterhouse concerning animal health, human health (antibiotics), animal welfare and the environment. All companies participating in the programme are inspected and certified annually by an approved organisation (CBD/Verin).